D3 Visualization of the Median Market Value of Two Bedroom Homes within some LA Neighborhoods

I have picked the median market values of two bedroom homes within seven LA counties to visualize them over time…


Turn Google Analytics Numbers into Actions with Tableau

Recently I have been playing a lot with Tableau, and I decided to extract data from my Google Analytics Account…


How to extract Google Analytics data in R and Excel

You will need RGoogleAnalytics package to extract Google Analytics data in R. The package was developed by Michael Pearmain, and…


Magento MySQL – The most popular sold product per day

I would like to create "The most popular sold product per day" report  for the last 30 days. The header…


Place the results of a MySQL query into a CSV file

The results of a MySQL query can be placed into a CSV file using the following query: To include header…


Magento MySQL – CURDATE() vs NOW()

The CURDATE() function returns the current date. The NOW() function returns the current system date and time. If you want…


Magento SQL – Five most popular products in general

However this query does not address the situation when we have more than five most popular product with the same…


Magento SQL – Getting the average number of items per order

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Magento SQL – Counting the number of items per order

View on Github


Magento MySQL – Calculate average number of orders per day and per month

What is the average number of orders per day? What is the average number of orders per month? View on…
